After posting the previous post a couple of minutes ago, I got to thinking and realized that things have actually been quite amazing lately. That I shouldn't be focusing on the random downtime that I have. Instead, I should be paying attention to the awesomeness that's happening all around me. I mean, come on, I freaking saw Switchfoot twice in the same weekend! I was able to worship like I haven't for quite a while with Phil Wickham last Thursday, and then to top it off, James was back and led worship like only he can last Sunday. Yeah, there's random "drama" that's apparently going on. Yeah, things have been slow this week. I just need to get over the recent slowness this week. Otherwise, everything's pretty much golden! I've got amazing friends, and even if they decide to be less friendly than they usually are, its not something that I've let get to me. I think I'll just list the incredible things that have happened recently. In no particular order:
-Phil Wickham!
-Lots of Rockband!
-The Del Mar Fair! (including friends, food, and rides)
-The Bro-Am!
-Naps In The Sun :)
-Band Practice!
-Cool Customers :]
-Seeing James!
-Friends :D
And above all, God's amazingness.
I've been focusing on the negative today because, quite obviously, I haven't been focusing what matters.
1 year ago