Change is one of those things that has a way of catching us off guard and upsetting our little bubble that we operate in. And we REALLY don't like it. But I think what we don't see in that moment is the simple fact that it is usually always for the better. Change forces us to experience new things, to do things in a way that we're not used to. We start to realize that what we were doing before was yes, nice while it lasted, but new and greater things await. Moving to Fullerton was one of those changes in my life that opened me up to a new way of living life. All of a sudden I had to be responsible, all of a sudden my friends group had vanished into thin air. All of a sudden I was opened up to experiences that I was not only unfamiliar with, but had never expected to encounter. But true to our nature, we adapt when change occurs. We take hold of the situation and try to make the best out of it. And it is that very act of adapting that makes the change in our lives so special. We learn new things. We learn how to live life a little more to its fullest. It is definitely weird to see other people experience change in their lives though. Because there is always a ripple effect. Sometimes it is old relationships that are heading in a new direction, and sometimes it is new acquaintances that are heading somewhere totally new; and you just happened to meet them right before everything became different. But I am finding it encouraging to see change happening all around me. There is something healthy about it; something youthfully invigurating. I don't think we were ever intended t be stagnant creatures. Looking back into old journal entries from two years ago, or even simply just one year ago, it is amazing to see how much has happened since then. To see how much has absolutely changed. I know I'm deathly scared of change most of the time, but once it happens, I'm finding myself more and more okay with it all. And I think the main reasoning behind that is the fact that I have discovered over the years that there really is no stopping it.