Draft #2: The Intricacies of Modern Transportation

Written on 9/9/08

So I've been without a car for a week and a half, due to a hit and run that left my car undrivable. And you know what? Its been nothing but humbling. I'm always willing to give others rides as long as they don't live to out of the way. But when the tables are turned, I'm finding out how much of a relief it can be when you actually have no way to get somewhere that you need to be, and someone happens to finally pick up their phone and say the 6 magic words that make all the difference: "Sure, I'll come pick you up." I've been stranded at work 4 seperate times now, with the I-15 inbetween me and anywhere that I could possibly want to walk to, and each time, a friend has either been willing to wait a couple hours for me to get off, or come out of their way to pick me up.

Draft #1: Spiritual Attacks

Written on 8/27/08

The spiritual realm isn't something that anyone thinks about today. I fact, when you hear the words "Spirit Realm" is it just me, or does it conjure up images of a creepy lady looking into a crystal ball? You see, the spiritual side of this world is all too real. But think about it. We argue about whether or not God exists with people, but when do we argue about whether or not Satan exists? Satan is a real being, and defiently not someone to be trifled with without our almighty Father.

School's Back

So school is back in full force as of yesterday, and its already not gotten off to a good and bad start. I was forced into a wierd position when I accepted my promotion at work, which in effect made me completely revamp my school schedule. I've had to crash every class this semester, and things haven't gone so well. I didn't get one of my most critical classes, English 205. So now I'm faced with trying to find a class to fill the void that English has created.

On a good note, my speech teacher is an awesome guy. He's friendly, an enjoyable person to listen to, and I think that from what I've seen of him, that he's probably a good teacher as well. So not everything is bad.

This semester seems like something of a wild card. I think I'm going to do good in my classes, and I'm definetly going to give it my all, but I still don't know exactly what kind of classes I'm going to be dealing with.

I guess I'm going to find out soon!

My Hopeful Commitment

I've had alot go on today, including a very informative and educational study of the C.S. Lewis book, Mere Christianity. I've been wanting to write a journal for some time now, and I happened upon my youth pastor's blog just a half hour ago while searching for images to complete a powerpoint for a worship event that we're having this Friday. Anyways, I really want to use this blog as a medium to write out things that are on my mind at any given moment. So here's my mid-August New Year's Resolution: that I'll keep this up, and write down my thoughts when they build up just a bit too much inside. So to everyone who might read this at some point in time, I give you an open invitation to read along, and share in the excitement, sadness, joy, and overall blessings that God is bound to put in my life :) Don't feel like a creeper, as this is about as public of a forum as it gets.