School's Back

So school is back in full force as of yesterday, and its already not gotten off to a good and bad start. I was forced into a wierd position when I accepted my promotion at work, which in effect made me completely revamp my school schedule. I've had to crash every class this semester, and things haven't gone so well. I didn't get one of my most critical classes, English 205. So now I'm faced with trying to find a class to fill the void that English has created.

On a good note, my speech teacher is an awesome guy. He's friendly, an enjoyable person to listen to, and I think that from what I've seen of him, that he's probably a good teacher as well. So not everything is bad.

This semester seems like something of a wild card. I think I'm going to do good in my classes, and I'm definetly going to give it my all, but I still don't know exactly what kind of classes I'm going to be dealing with.

I guess I'm going to find out soon!


Alicia147 said...

this is super late, but congrats on the promotion!