For some reason, I seem to go through phases of my life in which I become farther from God than I would like to be. Detached, alone, usually doing fine, but not where I should be. And its not until I need Him that I realize how very far I have put myself from the One I should always be closest to. But what never fails to amaze me is that once I've put myself in line with God again, is how fast He works to show me that He's there. And its always the small things. I've found that in my life, God usually works in ways that are subtle, unseen. And when He shows me the work He's done, its always a "wow" moment for me. But even then, sometimes He just gives me such hope through the most random things. In the movie V for Vendetta, the character Evey says a line that while cheesy, is so applicable; "God is in the rain". God is in the small things. We've built up such grandeur and excellence all around us, that we expect God to do the same. When really, I think we all forget that God already HAS. Creation anyone? We're sitting, breathing, hearing, touching, smelling, and simply being surrounded by His creation right now. So why would God not use His masterpiece to communicate with us? God told Elijah to wait on a mountainside for Him to pass by, and a raging fire, a massive earthquake, and a torrential wind all tore apart the mountainside. But God wasn't in any of them. He was in what the Bible describes simply as a "whisper". Today, it stated raining for a little while. And in the warmth of the humid air, with the feeling of the rain hitting my face and arms was one of the closest times I've spent with God for some time. And later, when I walked outside again, two magnificent rainbows were shining in the sky, saying one simple message. That God promised.
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