
I've found that in order to make finals doable, music needs to happen. The only problem is that it helps me realize just how long I've been sitting in front of my computer, which makes me frustrated that I've been working on schoolwork for so long. So I'll randomly stop my playlist and simply repeat a single song over and over and over and over again. That way, I truly have no idea how much time I've blown. This time, its been Panic Switch by the Silversun Pickups. Don't ask me why; normally the song I select is much more mellow. But the high energy of the song has been feeding me more motivation to do work, and its been very good to me. Only thing is that I've listened to this song solidly for almost five or six hours now. Talk about having a song stuck in your head! I just can't get enough of it. Panic Switch is my finals-induced addiction.

Silversun Pickups, Panic Switch


Evan Paine said...

thats a good song!