Man Trip '09

Whereas this video pretty much sums up how ridiculously fun the trip that I just went on in the Anza Borrego desert was, it doesn't nearly describe how great it actually was. I'll write on it later most likely (don't hold me to that). The short version pretty much goes like this: less than a week's planning, 30 bucks a person, 1 freakish off-road vehicle, 35 gallons of gas, 4 fun-loving adventurous friends, an empty desert, a water-less oasis, anthill demolition, off-roading shenanigans, a friendly old couple, dead ends, the Diablo Drop-Off, stuck FJ Cruiser, Sandstone Canyon, a cactus with a mission, loud music, firewood, friendly FJ Cruiser guys again, setting up camp, making fire happen (match + napkin + gas-soaked logs = :D ), instant noodles, night-time Jeep surfing, mud-caving, exploration, a wash, small mud cave, real-life Raiders of the Lost Ark, walking on the moon, returning underground, s'mores, glowstick murder, the universe, sleep <--freezing, sleeping in, breakfast, packing, more off-roading, Julian, home!

(Okay, not so short, but now you see why I'm hesitant to commit a whole post to it)