I've seen a lot of movies, I've liked more than a few of them. I've claimed to absolutely love some and despise others. But even the movies that I hold as some of the greatest productions I've seen have things wrong with them; bits that are just off, parts I kind of want to fast forward. I've been blown away by movies, drawn into them, unable to wait for the next scene. But I can't say I've ever been affected by a movie like this before. I went into the theater knowing nothing about the plot, nothing about the premise other than the fact that it was Sci-Fi, took place on another planet some time in the future, and had crazy blue people. I was starting to regret spending $16.50 three weeks ago on my movie ticket. Leaving the theater, I found myself disappointed. Disappointed that the reality I had just been submersed in wasn't real. When I got up, I found that my entire body ached; I quite literally had not moved a muscle for over two hours. Movies are good at bringing emotions. The opening of Up makes you feel for Carl; usually to the brink of tears. 28 Days Later makes you feel dread, a pit of terror in your stomach. Kung Fu Panda gives you a childish sense of joy and laughter. But never before have I seen a movie that was ironically enough (considering the alien protagonists) so
human. I was drawn in by the story, sure. The IMAX3D presentation made the screen seem a hundred feet deep, furthering the illusion of reality. The CGI masterpieces that filled the screen didn't look too good to be true; they were in almost all senses of the word, real. Epic scenes took over the theater. Subtle little things that most people probably didn't notice dominated every shot. But that wasn't what got me. It was the pure emotion of the film. I've never felt so angry looking at a screen before; wanting nothing but to jump up and scream in rage. I've never been made to feel so helpless by a film. I've never experienced such wonder, amazement, and awe. All that from a movie. The absolute beauty of the world in which the film exists was unimaginable. All in all, I had no idea what I was getting into when I saw this production. I can't wait to go back and witness it again. By far, and without a doubt in my mind, this was the
BEST film I have ever had the joy of experiencing in my lifetime. Go see it. I guarantee you won't regret it.
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