I've been meaning to go to sleep for about an hour now, but I can't. Not that anything's wrong, but simply because the rain is coming down so hard. I'm enchanted by it: I love it. The sound as it wisps through the air, hits the Christmas Lights strung from my house to the light pole, and splashes into the quasi-river that my street's turned into is intoxicating. The weather in Socal; while consistent, enjoyable, and nice, is rather boring. I love the cold, I love the rain, I love the snow, I love the thrill of not knowing what the day will look like when I wake up and look out the window. I went outside and stood in the drenching embrace of the emptying skies for a couple minutes; and a calm that can only be brought on by that specific circumstance was brought upon me. I use this quote way too much, so forgive me, but in the movie V for Vendetta, one of the main characters, Evey, says, "God is in the rain". While I know that God is not literally found in the rain, I can't help but agree with her. It is in that moment; when I stand with my arms outstretched, soaked by His creation, that I feel closer to Him than I usually ever do. On an internal, inexplicable level, I can't help but think that she's got it right.
I opened my window during the rain so I could hear it better.
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