When the Zombie Apocalypse inevitably happens, what's your plan? You've got to have one, because a lack of Zombie Plan pretty much means that you're going to become another meaty snack for the hordes of undead. Now, in order to be fully prepared, one needs to know that a variety of walking abominations are possible.
~ First off, there's your Classic Zombie. These guys are slow, stupid, and lumbering. But never underestimate their numbers! They may be cannon fodder, but you'll soon realize that you simply can't kill all of them before they get to you. Examples of Classic Zombies can be found in the video game
Dead Rising, and the movie
Dawn of the Dead.
~ Then there's Fast Zombies. These guys are nasty. They come in two forms: smart and dumb. The smart variety aren't actually intelligent, but they will hunt you down instead of vaguely trip in your direction. This means that they'll attempt to break down obstacles you've put up, and sometimes may even launch an all-at-once attack with their fellow brain-eaters. Fast Zombies are, as the name implies, fast. They can outrun you, jump higher than you, and are generally much stronger than you. This is the worst-case scenario. Examples can be found in the movies
28 Days Later and
28 Weeks Later, and also
I Am Legend.
~ Lastly are Modern Zombies. This is generally accepted as the most likely outbreak of the undead to occur. Modern Zombies take a combination of traits from other theories, and are the most versatile. They stumble around either in hordes or alone. They're generally smart enough to pursue you, but lack the smarts to avoid traps. When they are especially hungry for your fleshy goodness, they will in fact run after you. Modern Zombies however, can still horde a location and overwhelm it with sheer numbers. There are not many mainstream examples of Modern Zombies.

Now that you have the information regarding the undead hordes, start your own plan. When you hear about the Zombie Apocalypse, its do or die. Know where you're going to go, how you're going to fortify that location, what supplies you'll have, and how you'll manage to defend yourself. Generally, this primary shelter won't be good enough to last, so you'll need a location in mind that you can fortify, supply, and hold out in. Transportation is also a major concern. Think about what neighbors/friends you know that have large, heavy vehicles, preferably a Hummer or raised truck. Think about where the nearest stockpile of weapons might be as well; your local police station for instance. Generally, your plan should avoid densely populated areas, as where there were more people, will also be where infection will have spread the worst. Once you have a solidly formulated plan, form another. You need a Zombie Plan for ALL occasions. For when you're shopping, when you're spending an evening downtown, for when you're at home, church, school, your best buddy's house. And don't plan on any infrastructure; as it will most likely not be in working condition. You have to plan as if you're the only uninfected human on the planet, because, you very well may be. Plan well, and you might have a chance at surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.
So now I ask you: What's
YOUR Zombie Plan?
Rrrr arrrr rrrr braaaains rrrr,
Graaaah unnnnng arrrrr braaaains rrrrr unnnng arrrrr,
Snow falling on leaves.
(My favorite zombie haiku)
gary that is the best thing i've ever read
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