The New & Improved

My good friend Eric just informed me that earlier this week the new version of my MP3 player, the Zune, has been unveiled.  I'm getting one.  ...once it releases this Fall that is.

The Joys Of Inconsistencies

Change. It inevitably happens. There's really no stopping it. But this change is usually a good thing. If life was constantly more of the same, would it really be worth living? The change of the routine, of the sublime and used to the excitement of the new really hits a spot with everyone. Doing something for the first time is always a rush, a thrill, an experience to be had. And definitely not one to be missed. But doing something that you've done before with a new perspective can make it just as new as the day you first experienced it. I think what I'm trying to say is: our lives are inconsistent. They shift and flow and change in ways that we would never have guessed. In ways that we can never control.

But its not just the events in our lives that change, but the people too. The people in our lives change as much as we do, and it takes work trying to keep up with their lives as well as your own. The friends that I knew a year ago, 6 months ago, 1 month ago; they've changed. For better or for worse. But in my opinion, this is what makes relationships so thrilling. I really enjoy hearing what's happened in someone's life since the last time I've seen them, be it a day or a couple months. I love interaction with people. More than just about anything else. And as the title of this blog post suggests, its because of the joy of the inconsistency. The friends that I spend the most time with are the ones that enjoy doing something wild and crazy and adventurous just for the heck of it. Things like explosions and hiking and exploring and even simple things like teaching how to give a proper hand massage while playing a game of Halo at 4am. Things like Critical Mass, Spirit West Coast, Blue Sky, The Ghost, and trips to colleges. The adventure of the relationship and the adventure at hand are a powerful combination that I absolutely love. Relationships are the most important thing in the world, they're what we were created for. So don't give up when the going gets rough. Change with that change, and allow yourself to grow because of it.

A Faint Ringing In My Ears

Spirit West Coast. Words can't describe how much I enjoyed spending the day there. But, this being a blog, I'm obviously trying to do just that.

I got there at about 2, just in time to see a band called the Sonflowerz, of whom the two original members have been staying at my house for the weekend, play. The other band members are currently staying at the Anderberg's, and because of this, they decided to grant David and I with guest passes to the event for free. That's right, I was on the LIST! They were actually really good, and it was cool seeing people I know personally on a huge stage like that with hundreds of people watching.

Second up was Run Kid Run, a band that I enjoy listening to from time to time. They played a lot of stuff from their new album, which is the one I own, so I knew a majority of the songs fortunately. The highlight of this particular show was the show within the show. A mosh pit of sorts started up, but then turned into some sort of freakout area that involved ridicous stunts and a man-sized inflatable pirate. And since there were no beach balls, said pirate ended up being a substitute halfway through.

Third up was NeedtoBreathe, who I ended up seeing twice today.

Fourth was Relient K!! The show was a blast, but the crowd was a bust. Everyone just stood there and wondered what they were playing (Which included a song about The Office followed by the intro from the show, and the always popular "Five Dollar Footlong" song). Unbelievably however, they played Deathbed as their finale! It was the 15 minutes well spent. At the end of the song though, when Jon Foreman sings in the CD, Jon actually ran up on stage, but ended up not singing his part.

After a long break, the fifth band, and I'd have to say the best band by far to play today, was Family Force 5. The show was like nothing else. The showmanship and energy radiating from the band and stage were only seconded by the energy and craziness of the crowd. I ended up front center jumping, moshing, headbanging, and fist pumping my way into deafening oblivion. It was an amazing show, and was a huge amount of fun to participate in.

Lastly, but definitely not the least, was an acoustic session with the Sonflowerz and NeedtoBreathe. It was an intimate, close, almost jam-session atmosphere, and I just sat on the floor in front of the stage and soaked it in. NeedtoBreathe definitely shone here. They were good on stage, but when they were in a room acoustic, they really blew us away.

Music aside, I caught up with my old C28 family all at once, spent the entire day with my mom, practical brother, and good friend Denise, whom I have not seen for too long. I listened to a very insipring sermon given by a man born without any arms or legs whatsoever, and had a really touching conversation with a security guard that thought I was an artist playing at the event. God really has really been winding me down recently. And I'm thankful for it. He truely does know exactly what it is that I need.

So thank you God for this astounding day. All glory be to You.

The First Feelings Of Summer

Peace and a weird sense of joy. That's what I feel right now. Having two good friends jamming away while I sit back and listen really just has a soothing effect on me. I'm not sure why, but it really just calms me down. So kudos my friends for the good music, and for the relaxing and fun hang out time you're responsible for. It really is great to just unwind.

On another note, life is really great right now. School is over with, I have a job that's pretty great and has good hours, and have picked up another hobby that I'm somewhat terrified of, but oddly enjoying. Today felt like summer. I have a feeling that the next couple of months are going to be great!


Oh TV, you time-consuming affair that wastes my ...time.

I don't watch TV.  That is until recently.  My PC decided to push up daisies (its somewhat similar to Frankenstein right now), and my Xbox decided to follow suit.  Throw in the end of the semester and all of my friends suddenly had school loads like nobody's business.  So I've spent my free time utilizing the DVR function of cable to its fullest extent.  And how do I feel about these time vampires?  Well.....

24, the season was great.  Much better than last.  I actually wanted to cry at some points, at others, punch out a wall.  It takes a good TV show to do that to someone.  The season ended quite abruptly, leaving me craving more, but feeling satisfied that Jack Bauer literally cannot die due to the fact that Sutherland is signed on for two more seasons at least.  So 24 its been great, and I will await your return this coming New Year.

And Bones.  Seriously!?  I was looking forward to a season finale and that's what you threw out?  I'd rather have had a 30 second explanation of the last sentence spoken in the episode than have seen the entire hour of it.  Booth, you have to be okay.  Okay?

Then of course there's The Office.  Kudos Michael, I never thought you had it in your confused little brain to pull the stunts you pulled this season.

Mythbusters, Time Warp, you make science fun again.  Something I never thought would happen after High School Chem. (it was beyond bad)

But now that these seasons are over, and now that the sun is warming America's Greatest City to summer highs once again, I will say a fond fairwell to you Cable.  You've stolen more time from me than I thought possible at first, but I love real people and real events much more than fake or recorded ones.  I'll be off making my own adventures.  Anyone care to join me?

A Revival

I haven't used this space for my thoughts really at all. So I'm posting a pair of drafts I wrote last fall, and will try to frequent this space more often with my ideas and feelings and whatever else I feel like writing about.